The world is a mask that hides the real world.
That’s what everybody suspects, though the world we see won’t let us dwell on it long.
The world has ways - more masks - of getting our attention.
The suspicion sneaks in now and again, between the cracks of everyday existence…the bird song dips, rises, dips, trails off into blue sky silence before the note that would reveal the shape of a melody that, somehow, would tie everything together, on the verge of unmasking the hidden armature that frames this sky, this tree, this bird, this quivering green leaf, jewels in a crown.…
As the song dies, the secret withdraws.
The tree is a mask.
The sky is a mask.
The quivering green leaf is a mask.
The song is a mask.
The singing bird is a mask.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

banding baby peregrine

First Falcon Born On Capitol Banded, 8 June 2005
LINCOLN, Neb. -- The first peregrine falcon to born atop Nebraska's Capitol got a tour of the building Tuesday.

Games and Parks Department workers used a special shield to protect the chick as they removed him from his parents for banding. The bird was the only survivor of a pair of falcons hatched outside the 18th floor last month.

A band to identify the young male was placed on each legs. He was examined for disease and insects. The bird was returned to his nest.

Games and Parks officials said the falcon is healthy.

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